The Cost of Completing College
Promising Strategies to Support Student Success


The Cost of Completing College

Many students persevered despite pandemic hurdles to starting or staying in college. This webinar shared strategies that hold promise for the longer-term to increase support for the students who need it most.



Stacey Bradley, Senior Associate Vice President for Student Affairs and Academic Support, University of South Carolina

Randall Brumfield, Deputy Commissioner for Strategic Planning and Student Success, Louisiana Board of Regents 

Kimberly Gold, Senior Vice President and Chief Academic Officer, North Carolina Community College System 

Ontario Wooden, Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs, Alcorn State University

About the Moving Onward series

SREB explored critical issues facing education as states recover from the effects of the pandemic on schools, colleges and the workforce: the urgent need to support students so they can complete postsecondary credentials, teacher shortages and new ways to curb them, and governors’ view of education and the workforce during recovery. 

Recorded on June 11, 2021