Contact Staff


To reach staff members, call (404) 875-9211 or e-mail the address shown.

Susan Campbell Lounsbury, director of Education Data Services,
Lisa Cowan, data analyst/research associate, 
for information about:

  • Population and Demographics
  • Elementary and Secondary Education Enrollment and Graduates
  • Elementary and Secondary Education Finance and Budgets
  • Economic and Government Data
  • Higher Education Enrollment
  • Higher Education Graduates
  • Higher Education Tuition and Fees
  • Higher Education Student Financial Aid
  • Higher Education Finance and Budgets
  • Higher Education Faculty and Administrators

Jeff Gagne, director of Education Policies
for information about:

  • Elementary and Secondary Education Student Achievement
  • Elementary and Secondary Education Teachers


* The Data Quality Campaign is a national, collaborative effort to encourage state policy-makers to improve the collection, availability and use of high-quality education data and to implement state longitudinal data systems to improve student achievement. Jeff Gagne serves as the campaign liaison for SREB.