Making Schools Work Certificates of Participation


Certificates of Participation

Conference audience

Did you attend the 2023 Making Schools Work Conference? Your district may offer continuing education credits that recognize your participation. Evaluate each session you attend to receive a personalized certificate that you may be able to use to earn CEUs. SREB does not issue CEUs.


Certificate of Participation

To populate your Certificate of Participation, you must evaluate each session you attend.

You’ll find a link to evaluate the session in each session description in our conference app. Click the Rate button. After confirming your personal details, take a quick five-question about the session you attended. The system will then send you an email confirming your evaluation.

Once you’ve finished evaluating all of your sessions, visit the Certificate of Participation page in our Attendee Service Center (login and password required), where you can download or email yourself a personalized PDF certificate that includes the title, date and times of each session you attended!

Continuing education credits are not issued by SREB. Please contact your district for information about receiving credit for attending the conference.