State: Kentucky


Your Guide to Data and Services for Kentucky

SREB works with Kentucky policymakers, colleges and schools to help them improve education. From this page, find independent, accurate data, reliable best practices and ways to share scarce resources.

Kentucky Members of the Board

Andy Beshear, Governor of Kentucky, Frankfort, ex officio (2027)
Andrew Belcher, Director of Assessment, Hopkins County Schools, Madisonville (2026)
Tina Bojanowski, State Representative, Louisville (2027)
Ruth Ann Palumbo, former State Representative, Lexington (2025)
Felicia Cumings Smith, President, National Center for Families Learning, Louisville (2028) Executive Committee memberVice Chair of the SREB Board

(Appointments to the Board are made by the Governor. Terms expire June 30 of the specified year.)

Kentucky Members of the Legislative Advisory Council

Tina Bojanowski, State Representative, Louisville
Scott Lewis, State Representative, Hartford
Steve Riley, State Representative, Glasgow
James Tipton, State Representative, Taylorsville
Steve West, State Senator, Paris
Mike Wilson, State Senator, Bowling Green

Publication March 20242 pages
Cover of Faculty Diversity by Rank brief

Faculty Diversity by Rank

These state profiles examine the racial and ethnic makeup of college faculty by rank at various institution types. The data compare Black, Hispanic, and white faculty at two-year and technical colleges, public four-year institutions and private four-year institutions.


Publication November 20231 page

Kentucky: School Improvement Services

The Southern Regional Education Board works with educators and state and district education agency personnel in Kentucky and nationwide to provide support for continuous school improvement, rigorous curricula and instructional practices, teacher induction, professional development and instructional coaching services, technical assistance and program evaluation.

Find out what services are available for Kentucky districts and schools in this PDF.


Publication November 202320 pages

Kentucky: An Early Path

An Early Path covers data and policies for each SREB state in Pre-K, elementary and middle grades in 2023. The reports also highlight important demographic data. These are SREB’s 11th progress reports to states on educational progress and the final set for the 2020 Challenge to Lead Goals. Each state report provides comparable data so states can see how they relate to one another, the SREB region and the nation.


Publication June 2022 | 32 pages

Kentucky: Finding a Path

Finding a Path covers data and policies for each SREB state’s progress in high school, postsecondary and the workforce. Watch for reports on birth to middle grades in 2023. These are SREB’s 10th biennial reports to states on educational progress and the final set for the 2020 Challenge to Lead Goals. They provide comparable data so states can see how they relate to one another, the Southern region and the nation. New this year: sections on the K-12 teacher and postsecondary workforces. 



Publication April 20212 pages

Student and Faculty Diversity

These state profiles compare the demographics of college faculty and the general and college student populations in each SREB state. The data compare the percentage of Black, Hispanic, American Indian or Alaska Native, and white students with the percentage of faculty in those groups at two-year and technical colleges, public four-year institutions and private four-year institutions.


Publication June 201640 pages(16E07-KY)

Kentucky: Gauging Progress, Accelerating Pace

Gauging Progress, Accelerating Pace is the seventh biennial report to SREB states on their progress in meeting SREB’s Challenge to Lead goals for education. Each customized state report documents progress on both measurable outcomes and state policies. Through effective policy implementation, the goals can help states drive improvements in student achievement, high school graduation, college completion and workforce readiness.



Statement on the death of Representative John “Bam” Carney

Kentucky State Representative Bam Carney, former chair of the Southern Regional Education Board Legislative Advisory Council, died July 17, 2021.

The legislators, educators and staff members who work together as the Southern Regional Education Board are deeply saddened by the death of John “Bam” Carney of Campbellsville, Kentucky, a leader in education and an advocate for students.

Publication July 202040 pages

Kentucky: A Turning Point

A Turning Point is the ninth biennial report to SREB states on their progress in meeting SREB’s Challenge to Lead goals for education. The 2020 report  focuses on Charting a Course to 2030 — evaluating how well states are preparing their workforces for the future economy.  Each customized state report documents advancement on both measurable outcomes and state policies. Through effective policy implementation, the goals can help states drive improvements in student achievement, high school graduation, college completion and workforce readiness.



Publication January 20219 pages

College Affordability Profile

To help policymakers assess and improve college affordability in their states, SREB provides tailored reports on the policies, programs and prices that drive affordability. Each member-state profile details net price at different types of institutions, state financial aid based on need or other factors, student borrowing, and percentage of family income needed to pay for college at different income levels


Publication September 2019 | 20 pages
Shared-Time Technology Centers: A Study of Six State Funding Systems. Special Report for the Kentucky Career and Technical Education Task Force Southern Regional Education Board. September 2019

Shared-Time Technology Centers
A Study of Six State Funding Systems

Students need learning experiences connected with the world of work to equip them to enter the workforce and secure good jobs. This report provides an overview of funding for career and technical education and a detailed look at CTE funding models in Arkansas, Indiana, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina and West Virginia. Produced by SREB for the Kentucky Career and Technical Education Task Force, it also offers considerations for actions to improve CTE.


Publication June 201840 pages(18E03-KY)

Kentucky: Looking Closer

Looking Closer is the eighth biennial report to SREB states on their progress in meeting SREB’s Challenge to Lead goals for education. Each customized state report documents progress on both measurable outcomes and state policies. Through effective policy implementation, the goals can help states drive improvements in student achievement, high school graduation, college completion and workforce readiness.



Publication June 201236 pages(12E04)

Kentucky: A Decade of Progress

This report outlines a decade of the state’s progress toward meeting SREB’s Challenge to Lead education goals. Data on key education measures for each of the 12 goals are presented, with commentary that puts the information in a regional and national context. The lead figures on each page also are available as PowerPoint slides at


Publication February 201620 pages(16E05)

Direct From the Inside: KCTCS Direct2Degree Program

This document reports on the Kentucky Community and Technical College System’s 2013 Next Generation Learning Challenges grant to focus on breakthrough models for enhancing college completion. The KCTCS Direct2Degree program targeted low-income students in rural areas.