Key Practices
The nation’s 1,000+ shared- and full-time technology centers serve a valuable purpose — to offer accelerated preparation leading to advanced credentials and degrees that are too expensive for most home high schools to offer.
The nation’s technology centers also face unique challenges — to not only prepare students to meet labor market demand for individuals with advanced credentials and degrees, but also ensure those students can adapt and thrive in a workplace marked by rapid technological advances.
SREB is committed to helping states, districts and center leaders meet these challenges by adopting HSTW’s six Design Principles and the new TCTW framework of Key Practices.
- Intellectually demanding career pathways align with great jobs in emerging fields and connect with a college-ready core.
- Challenging instruction and assignments strengthen students’ literacy and math skills.
- Literacy and math readiness courses help struggling students get on track for postsecondary education and training.
- Extended learning time supports students in mastering foundational skills.
- Project-based assignments use real-world problems to deepen understanding.
- Work-based learning introduces students to careers under the guidance of adult mentors.
- Career counseling helps students and parents plan for the future.
- Eligible seniors can earn up to 30 credits toward an advanced industry credential or degree.
- Leaders and teachers commit to continuous improvement.