School Improvement Events and Conferences


Events and Conferences
School Improvement

SREB annually convenes thousands of K-12 teachers, counselors, principals, technology center directors and state and district education agency personnel at our national conferences, forums, workshops, webinars and more.

What makes our events special? We bring teachers and leaders together to learn and share research-based, classroom-tested tools and strategies that address the real problems they face.


Join Us At Our Annual Meetings

SREB’s Making Schools Work Conference features over 400 sessions that go to the heart of K-12 educational challenges. The next conference is July 9-12, 2024, in Nashville, Tennessee.

SREB’s State Leaders Forum convenes legislators, policymakers, state board members, secondary and postsecondary education leaders, and workforce development agency representatives to explore policies that help youth graduate from high school with a head start on the postsecondary credentials they need to secure good jobs in high-demand fields.

SREB’s Coaching for Change Conference, first offered in 2022, provides professional learning and networking for school improvement coaches, instructional coaches or innovation coaches who coach teachers and leaders through the school improvement process. Too often, successful teachers are moved into coaching with little to no professional learning or support focused on building strong teams, planning for success, trusting the improvement process, overcoming setbacks and sustaining change. Coaching for Change is the nation’s first and only learning event designed exclusively for coaches, no matter what grade level, content area or improvement need they serve.