SREB President Stephen Pruitt to testify Thursday at Kentucky Senate on new Crisis Recovery Support Network
Stephen L. Pruitt, president of the Southern Regional Education Board, will provide expert testimony Thursday before the Kentucky Senate on SREB’s new Crisis Recovery Support Network, which will begin training across the 16-state region early next month.
Latest SREB Teacher Compensation Dashboard Takeaways
The Southern Regional Education Board’s 2024 Teacher Compensation Dashboard now includes updated takeaways based on analyses of the latest data from each of the SREB region states on teacher salaries, health insurance, retirement and take-home pay.
SREB Gives the Gift of Evergreen News Stories to Local, State and National Media
Dear Media Friends:
SREB will close at the end of business on Dec. 13, 2024, and reopen on Jan. 6, 2025. During this time, our team will recharge and spend quality time with loved ones.
So, as the holidays and new year approach, SREB wishes you a wonderful season ahead and offers you these ideas for evergreen pieces:
- Read more
- Report: Teacher Career Pathways and Advancement Options
- Teacher Shortages State by State
- SREB’s New Teacher Compensation Dashboard Features State and District Data
- Teacher Compensation Dashboard: New Data and Design
- SREB Commission on AI in Education
- Members of the SREB Commission on AI in Education
SREB’s New Teacher Compensation Dashboard Features State and District Data
The Southern Regional Education Board has released the latest version of its Teacher Compensation Dashboard, allowing users to analyze teacher spending power across 16 states and 48 cities and counties throughout the South.
The updated SREB Teacher Compensation Dashboard includes the latest available data on average teacher salaries, health insurance costs, retirement benefits and take-home pay in each of the 16 SREB states.
Penn State University Associate Dean Wins National Mentoring Award
Sloan Mentor of the Year, Institute on Teaching and Mentoring
Stephanie Danette Preston, associate
dean for graduate educational equity at Pennsylvania State
University, received one of two national Faculty Mentor of the
Year awards earlier this month at the annual Institute on Teaching and
Mentoring Oct. 29-Nov. 3 in New Orleans.
The Institute is the nation’s largest annual gathering of underrepresented doctoral students and college faculty members of color.