PayPal Test – Meeting Registration
Register to attend


Registration rates

Member Institutions

Check Credit Card
First registrant $400 $426
Each additional registrant $300


Graduate student $188 $200
Non-Member Institutions Check Credit Card
First registrant $500 $532.50
Each additional registrant $400 $426
Graduate student $188 $200.22

Complete this online registration form.

Your registration is not complete until you have paid by either: 

1. Check payable to SREB Council on Collegiate Education for Nursing. Mail check to SREB Council on Collegiate Education for Nursing | 592 10th  Street N.W., Atlanta GA 30318-5766.
2. Credit card: Call 404-879-5523 to pay with MasterCard or Visa. A 6.5 percent processing fee will be added to the charge. 

During Tuesday’s lunch, conversation topics at each table will encourage networking with your colleagues. What topics would you be interested in talking about? Check your three top choices. (During on-site registration you will sign up for one of the topics that receive the most responses on this survey.)