PayPal Test – Meeting Registration
Register to attend
Registration rates
Member Institutions |
Check | Credit Card |
First registrant | $400 | $426 |
Each additional registrant | $300 |
$319.50 |
Graduate student | $188 | $200 |
Non-Member Institutions | Check | Credit Card |
First registrant | $500 | $532.50 |
Each additional registrant | $400 | $426 |
Graduate student | $188 | $200.22 |
Complete this online registration form.
Your registration is not complete until you have paid by either:
1. Check payable to SREB Council on Collegiate Education for Nursing. Mail check to SREB Council on Collegiate Education for Nursing | 592 10th Street N.W., Atlanta GA 30318-5766.
2. Credit card: Call 404-879-5523 to pay with MasterCard or Visa. A 6.5 percent processing fee will be added to the charge.