Career Guidance Resource Guide for Elementary and Middle/Junior High School Educators

Publication September 1999

This resource guide provides information on currently available career guidance materials and resources for the elementary and middle/junior high school levels. Section 1 contains National Career Development Guidelines for Elementary and Middle/Junior High School from the National Career Development Guidelines K-Adult Handbook. Section 2 is a template taken from the National School-to-Work Office’s Web site. The template offers a list of suggested activities to enhance the career development of all students. Section 3, Career Development Activities Chart, indicates how the two models–National Career Development Guidelines and School-to-Work–can intersect to promote developmental career guidance through appropriately selected activities for students at all developmental levels. Section 4 is a list of materials and resources for use in career guidance activities in four parts: Grades K-3, Grades 4-6, Grades 7-8, and Other Resources.

Materials are listed alphabetically by title. Each listing contains the following information: title, author, date of publication, format, recommended age level, source, price, rating by practitioners, and descriptions. Sections 5-10 contain the following: an address list for sources of information; list of names and addresses of State Supervisors of Career Guidance, State Occupational Information Coordinating Committees, and State School-to-Work Coordinators and/or Grantees; abstracts with contact information for the Regional Education Laboratories; and an abstract of ERIC information sources.

Dare, D. E., & Maddy-Bernstein, C. (1999, September). Career guidance resource guide for elementary and middle/junior high school educators. Berkeley, CA: National Center for Research in Vocational Education.

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