Green-Focused Programs of Study: Developing State and Local POS Models

Publication November 2010

In 2009-2010, the National Research Center for Career and Technical Education TA Academy worked with five states in building capacity for assisting local education agencies and postsecondary institutions in developing “green-focused” programs of study (POS) models. Five states– Georgia, Illinois, New Jersey, Ohio, and Oregon– designed POS models that prepare secondary and postsecondary students for high-skill, high-wage, high-demand employment in positions associated with green-focused jobs in any of the 16 Career Clusters, including those aligned with the President’s priorities for green technology in energy, housing, and construction. The intent of the TA Academy was to build replicable implementation models for bringing POS to scale within states. This presentation will present the process and outcomes of the TA Academy for each of the five states focusing on lessons learned about developing model POS systems.

Charner, I. (2010, November). Green-focused programs of study: Developing state and local POS models. Presentation made at the annual meeting of the Association for Career and Technical Education, Las Vegas, NV.

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