DSP Reports & Publications

Publication February 20213 pages

Student Debt Stifles Faculty Diversity
Comparing Debt Burdens in SREB's Doctoral Scholars Program and Nationwide

Student debt disproportionately affects students of color and could contribute to a lack of diversity among college faculty. The SREB-State Doctoral Scholars Program aims to reduce this barrier by providing financial support for its participants. This brief presents findings from a survey of Doctoral Scholar Program alumni compared with data collected from a national survey to provide insight on the impact of program participation on student debt burden. 

Publication January 202112 pages
image of report cover

Now Is the Time to Focus on Faculty Diversity

The reckoning with racial injustice across the United States offers an important opportunity for state leaders and universities to address the lack of diversity among college faculty and increase their commitments to diversity, equity and inclusion. This report offers four recommendations for increasing faculty diversity based on SREB’s 30 years of research and work with this issue.

Publication October 201816 pages18E04

Changing the face of college faculty
25 Years of Increasing Faculty Diversity

SREB’s Doctoral Scholars Program is marking its 25th year of service to the South and the nation, having helped nearly 1,000 historically underrepresented students graduate with a Ph.D. Another 400 doctoral students are now working on a Ph.D. through the program. Nearly three out of four graduates of the program are teaching in college classrooms, in 43 states and counting. Despite this progress, the situation remains dire. Major shortages of faculty members of color persist, as many older professors retire and the nation’s student demographics continue to shift substantially.