Past Webinars


Past Webinars

Recordings of past webinars, plus related SREB resources on these education topics


Improving Elementary Science
Equipping Students Through Inquiry and Integration

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In the drive to improve reading and math achievement, science in elementary school has sometimes fallen by the wayside. This webinar reviewed how schools can improve science instruction to give young students a strong foundation for learning and critical thinking and a base for building in-demand STEM skills. The presentation covered solutions such as increasing classroom time for science, integrating science with other disciplines and preparing teachers to understand and teach scientific concepts.


Trends in College Affordability by Income
SREB State Affordability Profiles

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At a time when state economies are demanding a workforce with higher levels of education, the rising cost of college remains a barrier to college enrollment and degree completion for many students in southern states, particularly for those in lower income groups. This webinar explored the affordability of postsecondary education for families at various income levels as detailed in the recently released SREB state affordability profiles.

Image of Abigail Seldin

The New SwiftStudent Tool
Help for Guiding Students Through Financial Aid Appeals

SwiftStudent logo

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The sudden onset and rapid spread of the coronavirus has caused many sudden changes to student and family finances. At the same time, students may not have the same level access to counselors and advisers that they did prior to social distancing. Yet research shows that students and their families know very little about their right to appeal financial aid awards as well as the process for doing so.


The Students Are Not All Right
Using the Science of Social Listening to Understand and Meet Students' Needs

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The global COVID-19 pandemic hit campuses across the country in the blink of an eye. In rapid succession, campuses closed, courses moved online, and our lives—personally and professionally—were permanently altered.


Advice from North Carolina Virtual School Leaders
Handling Extended School Closures

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As states across the country manage the COVID-19 global pandemic, districts and schools have been forced to rethink teaching and learning methods as they have moved to digital learning and online platforms. In this  webinar, state virtual school leaders in North Carolina shared resources that could be useful in other states and districts.


Advice from Georgia Virtual School Leaders
Handling Extended School Closures

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As states across the country manage the COVID-19 global pandemic, districts and schools have been forced to rethink teaching and learning methods as they have moved to digital learning and online platforms. In this webinar, state virtual school leaders in Georgia shared resources that could be useful in other states and districts as they grapple with extended school closures.

Image of Rick Clark

What Admissions Professionals Want You to Know
Advice for School Counselors and Access Advisers During COVID-19

Signal Vine logo

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The sudden onset and rapid spread of the coronavirus has caused many unforeseen consequences in (and rapid changes to) the college admissions process. In this webinar, Rick Clark, director of admissions at Georgia Tech and nationally-known author, shared the most up-to-date information that school counselors need to know about virtual interviews and campus visits, May deposit deadlines, incomplete high school transcripts, entrance exam testing, financial aid appeals and more.

Image of Brian Coleman

Webinar Follow-Up: School Counseling From a Distance
Supporting Students During COVID-19

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Common App logo This webinar, hosted by SREB in partnership with Common Application Inc. (Common App), built on the previous webinar of the same name on how to provide school counseling services virtually. In this webinar, a panel of leading experts in school counseling shared their insights on how they are supporting students’ academic, college/career, and social-emotional needs when schools are closed or have moved to online instruction.

Image of Brian Coleman

School Counseling From a Distance
Supporting Our Students During COVID-19

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In this webinar, Brian Coleman of Chicago Public Schools and 2019 ASCA School Counselor of the Year, shared his insights on how to support students’ academic, college/career, and social-emotional needs when schools are closed or have moved to online instruction. Brian stressed the importance of having a strategy first before diving in. Important things to consider are the legal and ethical issues involved, school district policies, and what technology tools your students have access to.

Image of Robert Nathenson

Moving Upward and Onward
Income Mobility at Historically Black Colleges and Universities

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Presenters from American Institutes of Research and Rutgers University discussed the value of historically black colleges and universities to both students and to the field of postsecondary education. Presenters provided an overview of their research on how predominantly white institutions and HBCUs impact graduates’ economic mobility.

Ed Tech: ESSA, Perkins V, and WIOA

Ed Tech: ESSA, Perkins V, and WIOA
Integration Points to Support the Improved Use of Technology

SREB hosted a series of five 20-minute mini-webinars on how integrated planning for federal education laws can support education technology. Links to view the recorded sessions are available under each topic.

Governance: View recording
Programs: View recording
Equity: View recording
Accountability: View recording
Hearing From States: View recording

Image of Diane Cheng

Counselor Tools for Helping Students Understand Financial Aid

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Affordability is key for many students and families when choosing colleges. In this webinar, presenters outlined specific ways to approach the issue, including how to interpret, share, and translate information from tools like financial aid award letters, the College Scorecard, and net price calculators, and how to help students navigate the financial aid application process, even if they are selected for verification.