Past Webinars


Past Webinars

Recordings of past webinars, plus related SREB resources on these education topics


Expanding and Diversifying Pathways Into Teaching
Rethinking Teacher Workforce Solutions Webinar Series

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This webinar explored policy ideas for both the short term and long term, to recruit and prepare a more diverse teacher workforce and open more pathways to those who want to teach. It covered early recruitment and dual preparation partnerships, rethinking curricula and schedules, and revamping student teaching.  


Transitioning to a Faculty Role
SREB-State Doctoral Scholars Program Webinar Series

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Transitioning from doctoral student to professor can be both exciting and challenging. In this webinar, SREB-State Doctoral Scholars Program alumni discussed their experiences navigating the transition into the professoriate. The panelists also provided advice on how to adjust to your new role, continue to grow your professional skills and balance service and academic commitments.


Ensuring Equity in Schools in the COVID-19 Era and Beyond

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Explore how SREB researchers used student survey data to identify sources of inequity in students’ school and classroom experiences. In this webinar, staff from SREB’s Office of School Improvement led an interactive conversation about the factors that impact inequitable student experiences, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic. Presenters shared research-based findings as well as practical examples of steps educators can take to ensure each student has equitable access to quality learning.


Connect Emergency Responses To Longer-term Workforce Efforts
Bouncing Back From COVID-19 Using Education and Workforce Dollars

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The sixth webinar in the Bouncing Back from COVID-19 Using Education and Workforce Dollars series covered how state leaders can ensure that their short-term emergency measures to address COVID-19 contribute toward achieving the state’s long-term vision for a thriving workforce and healthy economy. Presentations highlighted Alabama’s work in this area and included ways to align ESSA, Perkins V, WIOA, CARES Act and state and grant dollars.


Make Education and Training Programs More Tech Savvy and Flexible
Bouncing Back From COVID-19 Using Education and Workforce Dollars

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In the fifth webinar in the Bouncing Back from COVID-19 Using Education and Workforce Dollars series, SREB presenters shared strategies for readying workers to succeed in workplaces that are increasingly technology dependent. They also discussed how education and training programs can leverage technology and flexible formats so they can maintain programs when traditional formats are not practical. 


Help Businesses Prepare Workers to Fill Critical Positions
Bouncing Back From COVID-19 Using Education and Workforce Dollars

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In the fourth webinar in the Bouncing Back From Covid Using Education and Workforce Dollars series, SREB presenters discussed how state leaders can help businesses upskill new and longer-term employees to fill positions critical to the state’s economic recovery. SREB also spotlighted how states can address issues of equity and braid multiple funding sources to support this work. Leaders in Indiana shared their exemplary efforts in this area. 


Help Students Earn Credentials to Fill Critical Jobs
Bouncing Back From COVID-19 Using Education and Workforce Dollars

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The third webinar in the Bouncing Back From Covid Using Education and Workforce Dollars series covers strategies to help students gain postsecondary knowledge and skills to fill jobs critical to the state’s economic recovery. SREB presenters explored strategies for strengthening dual enrollment programs and helping new graduates maintain their educational momentum even when families struggle to afford tuition.


Help Low-Skilled Adults Earn Credentials for Critical Jobs
Bouncing Back From COVID-19 Using Education and Workforce Dollars

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The second webinar in the Bouncing Back From Covid Using Education and Workforce Dollars series explores how states can help workers with low skills earn the credentials they need to secure and succeed at jobs critical to the state’s economic recovery. SREB presenters discussed strategies for targeting grants to individuals and postsecondary institutions and for addressing issues of equity. 


Gauge Workforce Frequently, Prioritize Action Together
Bouncing Back From COVID-19 Using Education and Workforce Dollars

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Presenters made the case for analyzing data in rapid cycles to identify actions to spark workforce improvements and keep an eye on equity. The webinar covered partners to engage, including industry-sector partnerships, and spotlights how states can braid multiple federal and state funding sources for the work. 

EdTrust logo

Borrowing While Black:
Understanding What Makes Student Debt a Crisis for Black Students

While the $1.6 trillion in student debt indicates a crisis for all students, borrowing for college while Black is a different experience. In this webinar, SREB and Ed Trust highlighted the historical and systemic injustices that have fueled this crisis and offer race-conscious recommendations at the federal and state level to help make college more affordable for Black students.

Image of Nicole Lynn Lewis

One In Five:
The Student Parent Experience and its Impact on College Success

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One in five college students today is a parent, and yet they remain a largely invisible population. The vast majority of institutions do not track parenting status and therefore do not know how many student parents they have at any given time. Postsecondary success for these students is critical and far-reaching: when a student parent earns their degree, it has ripple effects that span two generations, impacting the parent’s employment opportunities and lifetime earnings potential, along with their child’s chances for achieving academic and career success.


College Admissions: Supporting Low-Income Students
 The New NACAC Deposit Fee Waiver Form and Other Useful Resources


Social distancing in response to the coronavirus crisis has caused the loss of students’ and their families’ employment and changes to financial situations. In this webinar, Andrew Moe, director of admissions at Swarthmore, provided an overview of access issues in the admissions process as well as the many other micro-barriers students from low-income backgrounds face when applying to college.