For DSP Graduates


Congratulations! The DSP Staff is proud of you and your accomplishment. Even though you are no longer a scholar, the DSP still provides services to you to help you in your transition from scholar to faculty. 

  • You are always invited to attend the Institute on Teaching and Mentoring. The program will take care of registration costs while all graduates are responsible for the cost of travel. 
  • Keep your profile current on the scholar directory. The directory has over 100 institutions as subscribers who are looking to hire accomplished doctoral scholars. 
  • Regularly check the Job Search Page to stay informed of potential job opportunities. 
  • Review the Bob Belle Service Grant Award opportunities.
  • Donate to the program to support professional development and service grant opportunities for your fellow scholars.

Important Things for Graduate Scholars to Remember

  • Contact us once you have defended or have scheduled a defense date. DSP staff need to know if you have finished to keep track of your progress through the program. Please fill out the completer form and send to Tiffany Harrison.
  • Regularly update your scholar directory profile. If you have forgotten your password or username, email Doctoral Scholars Program staff
  • Use the DSP Job Search page to search for faculty and post-doctoral positions by category, state and institution. 
  • Keep the DSP informed of your life and career updates so we can celebrate you by including it in the program newsletter. Email Doctoral Scholars Program staff with any updates. 
  • Follow us on Twitter, like us on Facebook, connect with us on LinkedIn and check out the Doctoral Chat newsletter for additional job postings, program announcements and relevant resources. 
  • Continue to tell others of your experiences with the DSP and encourage your peers to apply!