Lower the student and family college cost burden for low- and
middle-income populations.
Develop FAFSA completion initiatives that strongly encourage or
require high school seniors to seek federal aid for
Establish a state longitudinal database or improve workforce
and education data in an existing one. Provide clear
analysis to inform better higher education funding
Conduct a full financial aid audit to highlight where there may
be financial aid gaps for students of various socioeconomic or
demographic status.
Publish an analysis of the
true costs of college at state institutions to incentivize
them to bring down total cost through efficiency.
Work with legislators to provide state aid to cover the gap
between the Pell award and the cost of public tuition and
fees. Determine the amount, which some organizations
previously estimated at $2,500.
Establish a process for approving new academic programs that
identifies the lowest possible costs to students for each
new or revised option.
Incentivize colleges to consider using more open educational
resources or low-cost texts.
Be transparent with students and families about the true
out-of-pocket cost of college and the value of obtaining a degree
that aligns with their skills and interests.
Collect, analyze and disaggregate the true out-of-pocket cost of
degrees for different student populations with varying resources
and needs (such as low-income, traditional, adult learner,
student-parent, part-time).
Publish the true out-of-pocket cost of degrees for student
populations with varying resources and needs ─ part-time
students, for example, or students who are parents.
Analyze and publish the value of different degrees, especially
for high-demand professions.
Focus on ways to help students complete their degree or
credential of value at a faster rate.
Adopt statewide universal transfer and articulation policies,
allowing acceptance of more courses for degree credit.
- Develop policy for greater flexibility for meeting general
education course requirements, especially for transfer students.
- Accredited institutions should be required to count as many
credits as possible — for full or even partial credit — to reduce
time to degree and cost.
Support colleges to create better course schedules and
Set state policy that limits degree
requirements to 120 credit hours for baccalaureate degree
programs or 60 credit hours for associate degree programs (unless
more are required for degree program accreditation).
Set state policy for accepting and applying credit toward degree
for dual enrollment courses and for Advanced Placement courses
with a test score of 3 or higher.