Events and Happenings
Communicating Technical Topics to Non-Technical Audiences
SREB-State Doctoral Scholars Program Webinar Series
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Explaining research involving complex ideas makes sense to an
audience full of experts in the field, but to a
non-technical audience, the information may be confusing. In this
interactive discussion topics covered included:
Evaluating Personal Career Wellness
SREB-State Doctoral Scholars Program Webinar Series
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In this webinar, Steph Kalina of Liberty Mutual led a discussion on career wellness, which refers to the state of one’s overall career satisfaction and success, encompassing various aspects such as work-life balance, personal growth, and job fulfillment.
Self-Advocacy in Academia
SREB-State Doctoral Scholars Program Webinar Series
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Doctoral students and early career faculty may feel intimidated when meeting with professors or colleagues and should be prepared to advocate for themselves. This webinar was an interactive discussion featuring tips to prepare for challenging conversations and building confidence to overcome the anxiety.
Prioritizing Self-Care in Academia
SREB-State Doctoral Scholars Program Webinar Series
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SREB-State Doctoral Scholars Program alumni discussed the importance of prioritizing self-care and mental health on the rigorous Ph.D. journey. Scholars and faculty shared therapeutic resources and tools and answered questions on the importance of social support systems and the role culture plays.
Starting a Grant-Funded Community or Campus-Based Initiative
SREB-State Doctoral Scholars Program Webinar Series
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In this webinar, SREB-State Doctoral Scholars Program alumna and Bob Belle Service Grant recipients Drs. Myrtede Alfred, Karin Block-Cora and Cheryl Swanier shared their expertise on several topics, including steps to conceptualizing an initiative, organizing an initiative from an existing practice, how to leverage funding and build relationships with similar programs, and the connection between service and the tenure-track.
Dissertation Defense Stories: Defending in a Virtual Environment
SREB-State Doctoral Scholars Program Webinar Series
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In this webinar, SREB-State Doctoral Scholars Program alumna Drs. Whitney McCoy and Janeen Perry-Campbell led the panel discussion on defending the dissertation in a virtual environment. Panelists shared their experiences defending online, offered key preparation tips surrounding the rules in a virtual environment and answered attendee questions.
Tenure Webinar Series (Part 1): Achieving Tenure: Advice for Early Career Faculty
SREB-State Doctoral Scholars Program Webinar Series
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In Part 1 of our Tenure webinar series, SREB-State Doctoral Scholars Program alumni panelists discussed the basics of the tenure and promotion process, answered common questions and provided insights based on their own experiences.
Tenure Webinar Series (Part 2): Tenure and Faculty Diversity
SREB-State Doctoral Scholars Program Webinar Series
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In Part 2 of our Tenure webinar series, SREB-State Doctoral Scholars Program alumni panelists discussed the relationship between tenure and faculty diversity, highlighting the current national discussion about high profile tenure cases.
Student Debt & Faculty Diversity
SREB-State Doctoral Scholars Program Webinar Series
In this webinar, SREB-State Doctoral Scholars Program alumni discussed why addressing the student debt crisis is a key component of diversifying the graduate school pipeline and ultimately diversifying the professoriate, as well as thoughts on how systemic policy change can help address this issue.
Mentoring 101: Navigating Academia
SREB-State Doctoral Scholars Program Webinar Series
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Mentorship serves as a crucial support for students as they navigate graduate school and enter the professoriate. But understanding how to build a strong mentor/mentee relationship isn’t always easy. Featuring former SREB-State Doctoral Scholars Program Faculty Mentor of the Year award winners in conversation with their mentees, this webinar featured advice on how to get the most out of a mentoring relationship from both perspectives.
The Future of Faculty Diversity (Part 2): Faculty Retention
SREB-State Doctoral Scholars Program Webinar Series
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In this webinar, SREB-DSP alumni from across the higher education spectrum discussed the importance of faculty diversity and shared thoughts on how institutions can better retain diverse graduate students and faculty.
The Future of Faculty Diversity (Part 1): Graduate Student & Faculty Recruitment
SREB-State Doctoral Scholars Program Webinar Series
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In this webinar, panelists from across the higher education spectrum discussed the importance of faculty diversity and shared thoughts on how institutions can better recruit diverse graduate students and faculty.
Moms of Color in Academia – Navigating Grad School
SREB-State Doctoral Scholars Program Webinar Series
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This conversation-oriented panel brought together former SREB-State Doctoral Scholars Program graduates to share their experiences and advice on navigating graduate school and academia as a mom of color. Panelists discussed a variety of topics including how to advocate for resources as a new mom, how to address childcare challenges, resources to seek out within your institution, how to build a supportive network/community, and how to juggle school and life.
Transitioning to a Faculty Role
SREB-State Doctoral Scholars Program Webinar Series
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Transitioning from doctoral student to professor can be both exciting and challenging. In this webinar, SREB-State Doctoral Scholars Program alumni discussed their experiences navigating the transition into the professoriate. The panelists also provided advice on how to adjust to your new role, continue to grow your professional skills and balance service and academic commitments.
Navigating Graduate School During a Disaster
SREB-State Doctoral Scholars Program Webinar Series
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This year has brought huge shifts to higher education as institutions and students attempt to grapple with pursuing postsecondary degrees in the midst of an international public health crisis. The COVID-19 pandemic has brought significant and unprecedented challenges to graduate students at every stage of their studies.
Deep Dive into the Fulbright Experience
SREB-State Doctoral Scholars Program Webinar Series (Fulbright Session 2 of 2)
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In September, the SREB-State Doctoral Scholars Program hosted a series of two professional development sessions focusing on the Fulbright Fellowship.
Applying for the Fulbright Scholar Award
SREB-State Doctoral Scholars Program Webinar Series (Fulbright Session 1 of 2)
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In September, the SREB-State Doctoral Scholars Program hosted a series of of two professional development sessions focusing on the Fulbright Fellowship.
My Mother Proved It Was Possible
The daughter of a DSP grad shares how her mother inspired her
In summer 2016, six pairs of SREB Doctoral Scholars entered the StoryCorps Atlanta booth to talk about their experiences as minority Ph.D. scholars and graduates in higher education. One pair discussed their struggles with isolationism and impostor syndrome; another spoke of the impact their research has had on their development not just as students, but as individuals who care deeply about the people they are serving. Nanette, a DSP graduate, sat down with her daughter Alyssa to share their experiences with mentorship. Dr.
Fewer than 1 in 10 professors are someone of color
The SREB DSP addresses the issue of faculty diversity
Today, a third of students entering American universities are minorities, yet among the faculty fewer than 1 in 10 is someone of color. Who stands at the front of the room matters.
The SREB DSP looks to address the issue of faculty diversity on college campuses by increasing graduates, supporting public service projects of graduates and acknowledging the research interest of DSP scholars.
See how the SREB DSP is helping states meet this need.
“He Always Said What Needed to Be Said…”
Chanell Turner, Publications and Programming Assistant for the Doctoral Scholars Program, talks with former SREB President Mark Musick as he remembers former SREB Vice Chair Charlie Reed’s impact on the Doctoral Scholars Program and his passion for education.