CTE Commission


Commission on Career and Technical Education

How do we help more young people earn the postsecondary credentials and degrees that matter in today’s economy?

The SREB Commission on Career and Technical Education brought together legislators, educators and experts from across the United States to explore how to build career pathways that lead from high school to postsecondary education and training programs and good-paying jobs in high-demand fields.

The Commission’s report, Credentials for All: An Imperative for SREB States, offers states eight actions, supported by examples of policies and practices, that can help states reach this goal: Double the number of young adults who hold a relevant credential or degree by the age of 25.

Kentucky Governor Steve Beshear chaired the Commission, which began its work in December 2013 and published its final recommendations in April 2015.

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Valuing Both Cs in State Accountability Systems
SREB helps states set and meet bold goals for student achievement and credential attainment

SREB has long held that high-quality career and technical education transforms how students learn by connecting the classroom with the real world of work. Our nine Advanced Career curricula exemplify the power of CTE. Each four-course AC career pathway is built around hands-on, project-based assignments that challenge students to apply academic knowledge, technical know-how and teamwork skills to solve the same problems faced by industry professionals.