MMGW National Workshop


About the Workshop

As the economy’s need for low-skilled workers declines, the demand for high-skilled workers is intensifying at a rapid pace. The new Making Middle Grades Work Framework supports educators to prepare students for rigorous high school studies and a seamless transition toward acquiring the advanced knowledge they need to succeed in postsecondary studies in a complex global economy.


Bring a Team

This workshop is for district, school and classroom leaders and counselors from schools that serve students in the middle grades. The workshop will assist middle level educators in redesigning the middle grades school experience to ensure more middle school students are prepared for high school and eventually graduate prepared for postsecondary studies and careers.  Participants will work collaboratively to develop an action plan for their school using the Making Middle Grades Work continuous improvement process.


Goals & Objectives

This national workshop will give participants the framework and tools they need to make the necessary changes in their schools to ensure that ALL students leave the middle grades prepared for the rigors of high school. The goals are to increase the annual percentage of students who: