SREB’s curriculum and instruction reviews
compile, analyze and report data that schools and districts can
use to improve instructional practices, create cultures of
continuous improvement and help more students graduate ready for
college and careers.
CIRs answer two critical questions:
- What promising practices and problems of practice exist in
the school?
- What actions can the district and school take to eliminate
problems of practice and meet bold goals for student achievement?
As part of the process, SREB works with schools to collect
accountability and demographic data and administer student and
teacher surveys and a career and technical education self-study.
During a three-day CIR site visit, SREB staff
and a trained team of educators, school leaders and community
partners from neighboring schools or districts create a snapshot
of the school’s practices by conducting interviews, focus group
discussions, classroom observations and a review of lesson plans,
assessments, syllabi and meeting artifacts.
At the end of the visit, the CIR team presents a preliminary
report that includes key findings and recommendations. This
report is shared with school and district leaders. CIR reports
are organized around five focus areas:
- Engaging instruction
- Aligned curricula
- High-quality career pathways
- Student supports
- Leadership for continuous improvement
Most schools undertake a deep review of the CIR report during
site development
workshops that engage school focus teams in identifying and
solving problems of practice. Schools also receive customized
development and school
improvement coaching to support their efforts.