Early Career Teacher


Early Career Teacher

male teacher smiling, holding a lacrosse stick at the front of the class

After their initial licenses, teachers in the early stages of their career need strong support to improve their instruction, plus pathways to professional licensure. Today, most teachers are leaving the profession within five years, citing inefficient support and preparation as main reasons. To help states retain new teachers, SREB provides a a wide and deep array of research and recommendations to state and district leaders.  

Blog post Jessica Snellings, Research Analyst

How Some Oklahomans Want to Retain Beginning Teachers

Many states have a critical issue with retaining early-career teachers, no matter their preparation pathway. Oklahoma has one of the more severe teacher shortages, with 57% of new teachers leaving the profession by their fifth year, compared to 44% nationwide.

One of the top reasons early career teachers leave is lack of support. Better early career support would help solve the costly problem of having to prepare and hire a new teacher each time another leaves the profession.

Publication May 20205 pages

First-Year Teacher Support Strategies and Programs

On average each year, 8% of teachers leave the profession. Reasons for educator departure vary, but among first-year teachers, lack of support is one of the top reasons cited in national teacher surveys for early career departure. To retain teachers and help them become better educators, comprehensive first-year support is vital. This paper highlights some of the supports offered throughout the region, such as mentorship and innovative professional growth support, as well as how states across the nation fund support programs.


Publication April 20204 pages
how could states and district improve teacher working conditions report cover

How Could States and Districts Improve Teacher Working Conditions?
Examples of Initiatives From Around the South

On average, 8% of teachers leave the profession each year, many citing poor working conditions. State policymakers can improve the environment for educators through early career induction, mentoring, professional learning, school leadership, tiered certification, career lattices and advanced teacher roles. This briefing offers specific examples from SREB states and three steps to consider.



School Is My Happy Place
Educator Effectiveness Spotlight

Happy staff. Hardworking students. Supportive parents.

School culture matters. It affects teachers’ morale and instruction,  parent engagement, and students’ behavior and learning. Developing and sustaining a positive school culture is hard — but one Florida elementary school has a lot of creative ideas for making it work.